3M Products & Supplies
3M File Belt Arm #28368 Repair Kit 30663
Designed with Your Application in Mind
Throughout the day, industrial professionals fashion and produce various workpieces with unique shapes, dimensions and processing needs. As operators know well, the sequence of steps required to produce these workpieces can vary greatly from part to part. These are some of the reasons 3M created the various File Belt Attachment Arm styles to accompany the 3M File Belt Sander (sold separately). In this way, operators are able to use the most appropriate attachment arm for their unique application. 3M offers File Belt Attachment Arm Repair Kits such that end users can economically repair their worn attachments arms instead of replacing the complete assembly. Available kits are:
Each kit contains the contact wheel, two bearings, shaft, and platen pad(s), as appropriate for the specific attachment arm. Our 3M File Belt Arm Repair Kits were designed to economically repair File Belt Sander Attachment Arms without replacing the entire arm assembly.