3M Products & Supplies
3M Fire Barrier Cast-in Device Metal Deck Adaptor 6MDA, 6 in, 12/Case
Simply a Better Way to Firestop
To expand the versatility of our time- and money-saving cast-in firestopping, our 3M™ Fire Barrier Cast-In Device Metal Deck Adaptors let technicians install our 3M™ Fire Barrier Cast-In Devices onto uneven metal fluted decking before concrete slabs are poured. This one-piece plastic adaptor features snap-in attachment to the Fire Barrier Cast-In Device – no tools or fasteners are required. It installs quickly and easily onto fluted steel pan decks for drain, waste and vented or closed pipe systems. The adaptor accepts Cast-In Devices for both plastic and metal pipes.
Recommended Applications
Fully Tested and Approved
When used in conjunction with Fire Barrier Cast-In Devices in listed systems, 3M™ Fire Barrier Cast-In Device Metal Deck Adaptors are firestop tested up to 3 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479).
The Science of Better Fire Protection from 3M
Since 1925 when one of our lab assistants invented masking tape, 3M has been applying science to life –developing adhesive products and technologies that help entire industries and individual businesses worldwide. The work that began with a single 3M engineer now spans decades and generations. And all of it goes into each of our adhesives, sealants, protective coatings, devices and capability-expanding adaptors including 3M™ Fire Barrier Cast-In Device Metal Deck Adaptors to improve performance, and to help businesses like yours operate faster, better and more efficiently.