3M??Pro-Pak??Wetordry??Sanding Sheets can be used with water to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. Features silicon carbide, a sharp, synthetic material that cuts fast and smooth. Use to sand between coats of paint, varnish or other finish
For Flat Areas, For Use By Hand Or With Sanding Block
For use by hand or with sanding block
Offered In Two Weights Of Waterproof Paper To Suit Your Specific Sanding Needs: Flexible A Weight Backing For Contour Sanding And Durable "C" Weight Backing For Improved Stock Removal And Leveling General Surfaces"
Silicon Carbide Abrasive, A Sharp Synthetic Mineral That Cuts Fast And Smooth
Use With Water Or Cutting Oil To Reduce Clogging And Extend Abrasive Life
3M Wetordry allows you to sand between coats of varnish and paint or other finishes. Can be used with water to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. Ideal for sanding metal for repainting or...
3M Wetordry allows you to sand between coats of varnish and paint or other finishes. Can be used with water to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. Ideal for sanding metal for repainting or...
3M Wetordry allows you to sand between coats of varnish and paint or other finishes. Can be used with water to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. Ideal for sanding metal for repainting or...
3M Wetordry allows you to sand between coats of varnish and paint or other finishes. Can be used with water to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. Ideal for sanding metal for repainting or...
3M Wetordry allows you to sand between coats of varnish and paint or other finishes. Can be used with water to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. Ideal for sanding metal for repainting or...