3M Products & Supplies
3M Rubber Slotted Expander Wheel 77721, 2 in x 2 in 1/4 Diameter Shank
Soft Conformable Rubber, Radiused Edges
Our 3M Rubber Slotted Expander Wheel can be mounted on a 3M Inline Sander or 3M Match & Finish Tools using a 3M Wheel Adapter Kit. We designed this wheel with soft 25-durometer rubber to keep it conformable for applications like stainless steel finishing. Radiused edges reduce transition lines as the tool makes passes across the work surface.
Centrifugal Force Is More Secure
This wheel uses centrifugal force to grip the belt rather than conventional pneumatic wheels, or tires, which rely upon the amount of air pressure they are filled with. Centrifugal force is ultimately far more efficient and consistent.
In three diameters of 3, 3.4 or 5 inches, the smaller diameter tends to obtain a tighter grade pattern and gets into tighter spaces.
Recommended Applications
Our 3M Rubber Slotted Expander Wheel is ideal for finishing stainless steel when mounted to a 3M Inline Sander or 3M Match & Finish Tool. Having mounted the expander wheel to the sander using the 3M Wheel Adapter, follow a 2-step process for finishing stainless steel, either with or without a weld: