Heavy-duty brushing action with some flexibilityIdeal for demanding cleaning applications on somewhat irregular surfacesFor stainless steel and aluminum brushing applications.
Heavy-duty brushing action with some flexibilityIdeal for demanding cleaning applications on somewhat irregular surfacesUse for general-purpose applications.
Flexible brushing and consistent performance for demanding light duty cleaning and deburring applicationsGood for a broad range of general purpose applications.
Heavy-duty brushing action with some flexibilityIdeal for demanding cleaning applications on somewhat irregular surfacesUse for general-purpose applications.
Flexible brushing and consistent performance for light-duty cleaning and deburring applications requiring a small wheelFor stainless steel and aluminum brushing applications.
The brush knots are knotted to 75% of the length. The brush is designed for brushing large areas and for heavy-duty brushwork, such as deburring, cleaning, derusting and descaling, as well as...
Flexible brushing and consistent performance for demanding light duty cleaning and deburring applicationsGood for a broad range of general purpose applications.
Aggressive brushing action for general-purpose deburring, cleaning, and surface preparation applicationsWeld preparation and cleaning, removing rust, scale and oxidation.