Application Tips: For Great Paint Results Make Sure The Surface Is Clean, Dry, And Dust-Free So That The Tape Sticks Properly. Next Apply The Tape Onto The Surface. And Lastly, Let The Tape Set For About 30 To 60 Minutes Before Painting.
Compatible: With Up To 12†3M Or Hand-Masker Masking Paper.
Coverage: Covers Small And Large Areas To Help Protect Surfaces From Paint Splatters And Drips.
Flexible Design: Fits Any Scotchblue Painter'S Tape, Scotch Painter’S Tape Or Scotch Masking Tape With A 3†Core And Widths From .70â€-1.88†(18Mm-48Mm).
Recommended For: Use On Baseboards, Trim, Cabinets, Fixtures, Windows And Doors
Removal Tips: Wait Until The Paint Is Dry To The Touch Before Removing The Tape. Lift It Up By Slowly Pulling It Back On Itself, Then Removing At A 45-Degree Angle.
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