Sika Sealants
Sikaflex 219 LM: Low Modulus, Elastomeric Sealant 300 ml ctg 108198
Sealing of exposed/concealed lap joints, between logs in log homes, glass to wood, aluminum or anodized aluminum, SSR endlaps, roof curbs, roof joints, skylights, smoke vents, HVAC equipment, curtain wall joints, perimeter caulking of windows and doors, exterior lap joints of grain storage bins and sealing the base to the concrete pad, fabrication details that are subject to structural movement. Also an effective sealant for use in Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS). For use with Typical Substrates: Aluminum, steel, wood, glass, FRP, SMC, RIM, pre-painted metals, Zincalume, ZINCGRIPTM, and aluminized steel siliconized polyester painted metals-many without primers.